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Ляпко Краплинка Lyapko "Drop" 3,5 Ag 5pcs

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Ляпко Краплинка Lyapko "Drop" 3,5 Ag 5pcs

Length (cm) 3.3
Width (cm) 3.3
Needle pitch (mm) 3.5
Number of needles (pcs) 128
The base material is rubber for medical purposes
The composition of the needles is iron, copper, nickel, zinc, silver
The color is blue, red, orange, green, blue
The condition is new
Manufacturer MVK "Lyapko"
Country of manufacture Ukraine

The needle pitch is 3.5 mm, the size is 33 × 33 mm, the number of needles is 128. The Lyapka "Drop" applicator is specially designed for the care of the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté.
Due to the area of ​​influence, the minimal step of the needles and the convenient shape, "Drop" is recommended for massage procedures. Due to the occurrence of galvanic currents at the tips of the needles and between them, Drop actively affects the muscles of the face and neck, toning them. A lifting effect is achieved, the oval of the face is improved and the second chin is tightened. A massage is carried out at the cellular level, which ensures a deeper penetration of the active components of the creams into the skin cells. The elasticity of the skin is restored, as a result of which the aging process slows down. Lyapka "Drop" applicator enhances cell regeneration, saturates the skin of the face with trace elements. Under the influence of "Droplets", the skin's own immune cells are stimulated, a protective barrier is created against harmful environmental factors
"Drop" can also be used as an additional tool in complex application therapy to affect certain areas in various diseases, in accordance with methodological recommendations for the use of applicators. In addition, "Drop" can be used as "first aid" and used in emergency situations: loss of consciousness, fainting, insect bites, to relieve heart attacks, bronchospasm, and stop acute pain. The device is convenient for long-term wear in case of chronic pain and vascular syndromes. The small Lyapka applicator, being with you in your purse or pocket - at home, at work, on the road, on vacation - is an irreplaceable means of first aid.
The influence of "Drop" on the active zones corresponding to the organs on the palms and feet according to the Su Jok therapy method has a positive, health-improving effect on the body.


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