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Ляпко Пояс універсальний Lyapko Belt Universal M 4,3 Ag 10pcs

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Ляпко Пояс універсальний Lyapko Belt Universal M 4,3 Ag 10pcs

Width (cm) 6,5
Needle pitch (mm) 4,3
Number of needles (pcs) 1485
The base material is rubber for medical purposes
The composition of the needles is iron, copper, nickel, zinc, silver
Belt shape
The color is blue, red, orange, green, blue
The condition is new
Manufacturer MVK "Lyapko"
Country of manufacture Ukraine

"Belt Universal M" consists of 5 movable plates and 2 adjustable belts, which allow you to move the plates, choosing a convenient position to affect small areas of the head, torso, upper and lower limbs (the size of one plate fixed in the eye area is 140 × 65 mm (2 pcs.), the size of 3 plates fixed on the back of the head — 90 × 65, 68 × 65, 77 × 65 mm.)
A distinctive feature of the applicator is its original structure. Special notches (slits) are made on the plates of the applicator, which provide soft and uniform pressure on the sensitive reflexogenic zones around the eyes, mouth and ears, and other areas of the face.
The applicator has a great effect on any areas of the face: the forehead area, the area of ​​the eyebrow arches, the eyes, the sinuses of the nose, the area of ​​the mouth, the chin, the neck, the hairy part of the head and the areas of the ears (the effect on the points located on the auricles has a reflex effect on all internal organs and systems). This allows you to use the Universal M Belt applicator in neurology, ophthalmology, dentistry, otorhinolaryngology, cosmetology, narcology (in the complex treatment of alcohol, nicotine and other types of addictions), as well as to restore vitality, good mood and work capacity.

Application method
Application of Lyapko "Belt Universal M" applicator is possible both independently and in combination with other methods of treatment.

Neurology and ophthalmology
Systematic use of Lyapka "Belt Universal M" applicator on different areas of the face and scalp helps to get rid of headaches, relieve nervous tension, improve well-being, hearing, memory and sleep quality. Contributes to strengthening the conduction of the optic nerve, improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in the area of ​​the brain and eyes.
"Belt Universal M" provides a health-improving effect on the organs of vision and the area around the eyes: it relaxes the muscles of the eyeball, relieves eye tension, restores the accommodative functions of the lens, elasticity and elasticity of the muscles, relaxing and training them. Recommended for preserving and improving vision, as well as for the treatment and prevention of myopia, age-related (presbyopia) and congenital farsightedness (mild and moderate), accommodation spasm (pseudomyopia), in the complex treatment of glaucoma, cataracts, visual fatigue (asthenopia), optic atrophy nerves, diabetic retinopathy. It prevents computer syndrome, removes small wrinkles and improves the elasticity of the skin around the eyes. It is indicated for the relief of symptoms caused by increased eye strain (pain, cuts in the eyes, irritation, dryness). Additional finger pressures of varying intensity on the application area around the eyes and eyeballs, temples and the back of the head enhance the effect of application therapy. The simultaneous effect on the back of the head of the additional plate improves cerebral blood circulation, relieves cerebral vascular spasm. Application of the applicator to the mouth area is indicated for trigeminal neuralgia, stuttering, diseases of the teeth, oral cavity, etc. The therapeutic effect increases if it is applied through a gauze pad, folded in 1-3 layers and moistened with ordinary or sea water, physiological solution or a decoction of herbs.
In children's practice, the use of the Lyapka "Belt Universal M" applicator on the eye area is recommended under the supervision of adults from the age of 5. It is indicated in the complex treatment of mild and moderate degree of amblyopia.
The child must first be encouraged by her example: the mother puts the applicator on her closed eyes in the presence of the child. By this, she shows that it is safe and does not hurt. At the same time, it is important to describe to the child your pleasant feelings and the usefulness of such a procedure. Everything can be played as a game, sitting or lying down. After that, the mother gently applies the applicator several times to the child's closed eyes. When the child calms down, gets used to new sensations and understands that it is safe, the device can be fixed for 1 minute, while holding the child's hand so that he feels the physical presence of his mother and be sure to talk to her (you can read fairy tales, remember something pleasant for a child or draw visual images). It is necessary to constantly remind the child that the eyes should be kept closed, not to try to open them.
Applications are carried out on closed eyes 1-2 times a day, gradually increasing the time of the procedure to 5-7 minutes. The course of application is 7–10 days, repeat after 10–12 days.

Otorhinolaryngology: wearing the Lyapka "Belt Universal M" applicator on the suprabrow area and in the area of the projection of the maxillary cavities for 10-15 minutes improves blood circulation in the accessory nasal cavities, relieves swelling, and restores nasal breathing. Application in the area of the temples and auricles helps to improve hearing.

Cosmetology: the effect of the Lyapka "Belt Universal M" applicator on the skin of the face improves its blood supply, increases skin turgor, and removes fine wrinkles.

For complex treatment of alcohol, nicotine and other types of addictions, the Lyapka "Belt Universal M" applicator needs to affect the zones responsible for the release of a large amount of biologically active substances. This is the entire area of ​​the back along the spine, including the lumbosacral region of the spine, the abdominal and thoracic region, the cervical-collar region, the feet, as well as the temporal, parietal, occipital regions, and auricles.

There is a large number of vitally important zones and points on the human body, through which you can reflexively exert an effective positive influence, both on internal organs and on the whole body as a whole. For example: below and outside the knee is the point of the "hundred diseases" E36 (Tzu-san-li). A little above it, 1–2 cm, is the point for the treatment of alcohol and other addictions (Tzu-li-pan). If you attach an application belt to the area of ​​these points, it will contribute to the additional release of endorphins and other "internal medicines" that strengthen and normalize metabolic processes in the body.
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